Semana 13: Computo ubicuo y geolocalizado

 Computo ubicuo: Es considerado la tercer ola de la computación. Su visión es integrarse en el ámbito físico, social y humano de los usuarios. Esto para que existan dispositivos de mayor acceso y más fáciles de usar, además de ser diseñados para operar en armonía con el ambiente social. 

El usuario no necesita más de 50 Mbps. Aplicaciones como Zoom o Netflix solo necesitan 2 o 5 megas. 


La nueva plataforma para entrega de servicios es Móvil. Su penetración en prácticamente todos los segmentos es abrumadora pues facilita las interacciones: pagos móviles, salud, monitoreo, teletrabajo, telemedicina, telemarketing, etc. 

Si consideramos un futuro donde todos tenemos celulares, las empresas deberán cambiar su modelo. Los beneficios son la eficiencia presupuestal, satisfacción de empleados, mejor imagen de la marca, mejor servicio.


Que deben hacer las empresas

1. App Onboarding. If users don't clearly understand the value of your app and how to use it, their odds of churning drastically increase.
2. In-App Messaging and Push Notifications. In-app messages are received while a user is within your app, and is usually based off of some action taken. Push notifications are crucial to engaging with users outside of you app
3. Individualization: App users crave individualization. They want their interactions to be tailored to their preferences, location, and in-app behavior.
4. Predictive Insights: Design highly personalized messaging campaigns to re- engage these users before it’s too late.
5. Remarketing: Sending a compelling reminder about your app to lapsed users outside of the app is an effective way to re-engage them. You can do this through email, social, and search advertisements.
6. A/B Testing: The more in-app activity and conversion actions a user has, the more sticky your app becomes to them.
7. Omni-channel Experience: Integrating their app into their overall marketing channels
8. Use Data to Guide You: That means having a mobile engagement platform that grants you the insights you need to understand how well you are retaining users, and how impactful your app marketing campaigns are in moving that needle


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